i'm have been trying to get matlab run the UNAFold melt.pl pearl script and to retrieve the results.
But i'm stuck right now.
One approach was to generate a batch-file with the syntax, but this did not worked out:
UNAFoldDir = 'C:\UNAFold\bin\';
Seq1Name = 'Seq1'; Seq1Sequence = 'CTGCTTTCCTGAGAGCAGTACCTCATTAGTTTCCCTGAATTTGGGGGGGGGGG'; Seq1 = struct('Header', Seq1Name, 'Sequence', Seq1Sequence); fastawrite(strcat(UNAFoldDir, 'Seq1.fas'), Seq1);
% Write StartUNA File fid = fopen(strcat(UNAFoldDir, 'StartUNA.bat'),'w'); fwrite(fid, ['perl ..\bin\melt.pl -n DNA -C 0.1 Seq1.fas Seq1.fas > Seq1-Seq2-Results.txt']); fclose(fid);
Then i tryed it with the Matlab in-build pearl commando:
perl('C:\UNAFold\bin\melt.pl','-n DNA -C 0.1 Seq1.fas Seq1.fas')
But all i get are error messages like this one: ??? Error using ==> perl at 82 System error: Error: file not specified Run 'melt.pl -h' for help Command executed: perl C:\UNAFold\bin\melt.pl "-n DNA -C 0.1 C:\UNAFold\bin\Seq1.fas C:\UNAFold\bin\Seq1.fas"
Running perl('C:\UNAFold\bin\melt.pl','-h') works fine, so there should be no problem with the directory-path from unafold.
I have never worked with UNAFold/Pearl-scripts before.
I would be grateful for every suggestion! :-)
Best regards, Mike
Does the file "C:UNAFoldbinSeq1.fas" exist? If so, are you sure melt.pl does not require any other files to be specified on the command line?