Here is how a bioinformatician would deal with this problem.
First, they would roll their eyes in despair at the inappropriate use of Excel and Word for storing/manipulating sequence data.
Next, they would export the data from Excel to a portable, plain text format which could be used by many programs on multiple platforms. They would probably export to CSV (comma separated values) format, so each column would look like this:
Finally, they would write a short script in the language of their choice to reformat the CSV file as FASTA. They might also do a web search for the term "CSV to fasta", to see if anyone else has already solved the problem.
Their script might look something like this, which is written in Awk:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} {print ">"$1"\n"$2}' sequences.csv > sequences.fasta
Which would not be perfect, since the sequence parts of the file will all be on one line, not a maximum of 80 characters long as they should be. But most programs ignore that, so the bioinformatician might decide this "quick and dirty" solution is acceptable. Or, assuming that the header line is never more than 80 characters, they might use another small text-processing tool named fold, to wrap the lines containing sequence:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} {print ">"$1"\n"$2}' sequences.csv | fold -w 80 > sequences.fasta
They may use another language: Python, Perl, Ruby... They may also use existing libraries from that language (Bioperl, BioPython, BioRuby) to handle sequence reading and writing.
Not being a "computer whizz", it may be that none of this means much to you, so here's the take-home message. When you stop using tools inappropriately because those are the only tools that you know; and you stop storing data in proprietary, locked-up formats and start using more open, versatile formats (simple plain text), then a whole world of simple solutions to your problems opens up to you. A lot of bioinformatics involves processing text in one way or another and processing text is a breeze for people who know how to use a command line in Linux.
So - find such a person, or become one :)
For future reference, if you want ">" characters to display properly in your questions, you need to indent each line with 4 spaces; otherwise the text appears as a blockquote.