Hi All,
I am working in RNA seq analysis and I am going to use the gene model (annotation file .gtf) for human (hg19). I found different releases for that like GRCh37.55, GRCh37.61, ...........GRCh37.75,.........
When I looked inside each release, I found that the order of chromosome on them not the same (i.e some start with chr1 then chr 10, chr11, chr12, ......, and chrY. and other one start with GL000213.1, then HSCHR21_2_CTG1_1, then chr18,..chr 10)
My question is there any difference of use them with the same order on them, and Why/what these differences between them (i.e why they change the chromosome order in each release)
Which annotation tool are you using? You shouldn't worry about the order unless the annotation tool you are using is picky about it. Tools like GATK, Tuxedo suit (RNAseq tools) are picky about the order of chromosomes in bam and gtf file (for good reasons). I have no idea why they change the chromosome order in different releases.
Hi Pandey, Thanks for your comment.
I am not using any tool to create the annotation files, I just downloaded different releases from ensembl website and I am going to use one of them for the parameter
in Tophat.I am sure you may have come across this on TopHat manual page. Just follow what they say and you will be fine: