I have a project on Double Dynamic Programming. I am suppose to use Superposition and Dynamic Programming together, but I don't know how to go about doing it. Can someone help me get started? I don't really understand the notes I got from websites. It's a bit too difficult to digest what they mean. Can someone explain to me in layman terms.
I need to write JAVA codes for this programming. Thank you!
maybe this could be of help: http://dna.cs.byu.edu/DrugDockCapstone/pathway/chapter9.pdf
Great find Giovanni, you should put this as an answer!
I agree, it's a great reference document !
thank you, but maybe the OP is already aware about that resource... it was the first entry on google for 'double dynamic programming superposition' :-)
Hi there. Thank you people. I have found that link too. But I don't know how to go about doing it. ): I don't know where should I start from.