I have a question regarding the bed file format.
To convert the gtf file format to the bed format, I am wondering about the start of the second exon of the minus strand. in the minus strand. Please look at the following example:
gtf format
chr1 exon1 1 10 +
exon2 15 20 +
chr 1 exon1 8 11 -
exon2 13 19 -
In the above gtf example, the fields describe the chromosome number, exon number, start of the exon, end of the exon and the strand sign.
Now to convert it to bed format:
chr1 11,6 0,14 +
3,8 0, ? -
The question is that how to calculate the start of the second exon of the minus strand.
Hi! How about if I need UCSC BED12 format which seems different from the output of gtf2bed?
This issue is discussed here quite neatly: Gencode Gtf To Bed12 Or Psl