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10.3 years ago
Hi! I am trying to load a matlab file with the R.matlab
package. The problem is that it keeps loading in definitively (e.g. table <- readMat("~/desktop/hg18_with_miR_20080407.mat")
. I have a genome file from the Broad Institute (hg18_with_miR_20080407.mat
You can find it [here] (http://genepattern.broadinstitute.org/ftp/distribution/genepattern/dev_archive/GISTIC/broad.mit.edu:cancer.software.genepattern.module.analysis/00125/1.1/)
I was wondering: has anyone tried the package and have similar issues?
Thank you!
I've used
a lot and never had an issue before but yes trying to open that small file hangs for me too. You could try opening it within Matlab or Octave and investigating, maybe it's weird or broken.Hi! I opened it with a friend's Matlab and it works no problem. Would you know how to save this into an R object from Matlab? I am currently investigating how to do so.
Thank you!
Easiest to write a csv (
) from Matlab and import, no? Unless it's some particularly obscure data structure