Is it possible to remove the MarkDuplicates flags (not the sequences) from a BAM file? If so, how?
Is it possible to remove the MarkDuplicates flags (not the sequences) from a BAM file? If so, how?
You can use Picard RevertSam for this. This tool can be used to reset various attributes of a BAM file including duplicate information. Simply use: REMOVE_DUPLICATE_INFORMATION=true
Example command:
java -Xmx7g -jar ~/tools/picard/picard-tools-1.118/RevertSam.jar OUTPUT=UnmarkedDuplicates.bam INPUT=MarkedDuplicates.bam REMOVE_DUPLICATE_INFORMATION=true
Depending on the version of awk you have on your computer then something like the following should work:
samtools view -h foo.bam | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{if(NF>5) {if(and($2,1024)) {$2-=1024}} print $0}' | samtools view -Sbo foo.unmarked.bam -
I think Macs have mawk rather than gawk, so this doesn't work there.
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