So, I have a list of variants I want to annotate based off several databases in .bed format. The rest of the databases I want to include are off of ENCODE, but despite my searches I cannot for the love of my life download the data off ENCODE based off cell line.
I always end up at this page, which provides me ALL the databases, but not by cell line. I found a search function here, but for some reason, whenever I run a search, it doesn't return any results.
I am looking for .bed files listing sites of DNA methylation, DNase-seq, Chip seq (TFBS and histone modifications) for HepG2, K562, GM12878, and Human Skeletal Muscle cell lines each.
I am basically asking: How can I get these off ENCODE? Thanks.
Thank you for the nearly instantaneous reply! Saved me a lot of time looking where to download the databases
Actually, I have a quick followup question: How can one download all of the chip-seq data quickly? It is extraordinarily tedious to download each of the hundred histone modificiation and TFBS files one by one
You can use this linkto download the data. Follow these instructions.