Hi all,
We have performed exome-sequencing in 70 samples and the mean coverage is not uniform across all the samples which is from 20-70x.
What diagnostics should be considered to consider a sample as well sequenced and which samples to be sequenced again?
- What should be the percentage of bases in on-target region? and How can we calculate the on-target bases?
- Is there any tradeoff that certain percentage of these on-target bases should have certain Xcoverage?
Are there any other parameters to be considered to evaluate the quality of data?
Any suggestions are valuable.
All questions are related to what you want with your data. If you want do genotying with a sequencing depth of at least 3, it's most likely sufficient. However, genotyping with a higher sequencing depth (e.g. >=10) will probably result in data loss.
Thanks for your time. We would like to identify mutations and more specifically we should be able to identify reliable heterozygote calls. So, inorder to call reliable heterozygotes what percentage of the bases should be present on-target at ?X coverage.
Again.. depends on how you want it. We personally require a variant depth of at least 7. You could make a plot of your read depth per base/window (mapping or genotyping) and then decide what your cut-off will be.
thanks!! Plotting read depth per base for whole-exome at good resolution to visualize is crucial. could you suggest some tools to plot read depth per base for whole-exome?
With respect to coverage plots, I find the "read depth vs. % coverered bases" plot most informative. You can get startet here: