I have a problem with liftOver. I have 300,000 snps to convert from hg18 to hg19,so I use liftOver. I download it in my own computer and run it.I also download the chain which is hg18 to hg19. I found that it can handle most of snps, but will fail about 10,000 snps. I search the failed snps in NCBI, and found they are actually in NCBI, and have position of hg18 and hg19. How can I do do convert the remainder snps? I want to handle them in batches.
Thanks. I am new, so I have not used BioMart and Perl API yet. I will try. Any advise? I have no one to teach me around, so I have to learn them all by myself.
In that case, I would start with BioMart. Please have a look at the BioMart videos on YouTube to get an idea how to work with it: http://www.youtube.com/user/EnsemblHelpdesk#p/u/4/DXPaBdPM2vs and http://www.youtube.com/user/EnsemblHelpdesk#p/u/6/paC3sOANSJA. I hope this helps. Questions regarding Ensembl BioMart can be directed to the Ensembl Helpdesk (helpdesk@ensembl.org).