Anyone familiar with Jbrowse genome browser here? I wonder, can Jbrowse be linked to other party software such as Galaxy or Taverna? I found a tool named ABrowse (http://www.abrowse.org/), and seems like ABrowse can do that. Anyone?
Anyone familiar with Jbrowse genome browser here? I wonder, can Jbrowse be linked to other party software such as Galaxy or Taverna? I found a tool named ABrowse (http://www.abrowse.org/), and seems like ABrowse can do that. Anyone?
I haven't seen ABrowse in action, but I looked at what are some features that ABrowse claims to have and here are some ideas about how JBrowse might offer similar functions
Feel free to ask the gmod-ajax mailing list for jbrowse topics, beginner or advanced!
I know this is a year old post, but in the past 6 months I've integrated JBrowse as a Galaxy tool. You can see some of the details here: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/pull/507
If there are features you'd like to see that aren't in the current version, I'd be happy to hear about them and add them if I have time. It sounds like you'd like to submit sequences from JBrowse into Galaxy, that sounds like a plugin I could put together for JBrowse without too much trouble. I'll update this post if I ever get around to it :)
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Hi cmdcolin,
Thanks for the reply. I also thinking the same, jbrowse has many support channel as compared to abrowse. But since I am new with this, that's why I'm asking here. Basic question here: how to link the information from the popup windows? For example in .
Let say the name of a CDS is 'ctgA', so we want to link this variable into some entries in other database, can we do that? In normal html it's like a 'a href="https://www.google.com.my/search?q=ctgA"'. Any example for that?
The JBrowse configuration guide contains some details on customizing the popups (Here).
Thanks cmdcolin, it's helpful though. I'll go through the customizing parts soon. Really appreciate! :)
I misread you question the first time around. There's currently no way to link directly to the information from the popup panels, but there is some interest in turning various parts of jbrowse into separate modules so perhaps that would be possible after accounting for this.
I wonder if JBrowse allows for advance customization? Let say, when I click a gene, there's a popup come out with selection checkboxes: blast, interpro, gene ontology. so if we check those 3 boxes, there are 3 new tabs open to run each analysis. if I not mistaken, this is called API, isn't it?
Ok, second example. Can we bookmark or favorite certain genes/features for further task?
Anyone offers this kind of service?
You might want to see if these programs (blast,interpro,go) have a "REST API". having a web-accessible API would make it easier for jbrowse to run that analysis. the ability to bookmark genes is not available yet, but that would be a good feature (it might not be too hard to create a plugin like this)
Is there any tutorial on developing such plugin for Jbrowse? I'm planning to have an improved genome browser with customization of functions based on basic genome browser. That's the reason of asking this.
There is a default plugin included in the jbrowse github called RegexSequenceSearch which is instructive for creating a regular plugin. There is also a script called new-plugin.pl that can create a template. It is also documented in the configuration guide. And then furthermore there are several projects using the plugin framework including the arabadopsis information portal (AIP) and webapollo.
Alright, so the point is yes, we can do the customization. Just wonder if I able to do it myself. Will look at it, thanks!