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10.3 years ago
Dear all,
do you know how to convert a mauve alignment in one of these formats?
Thanks in advance
Dear all,
do you know how to convert a mauve alignment in one of these formats?
Thanks in advance
I've not tried but you can use the script available here: http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Converting_alignment_files
Or also here you have an online tool for conversion (http://www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/convertalignwww/. Try to upload your file and select the input/output formats.
If the goal is to make a tree, I believe Mauve produces a guide tree that is in Newick format. You can use the 'ape' package in R to plot a tree specified in that format.
Otherwise, I haven't tried to convert the raw alignment files.
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Is this tree reliable? Does it any model based tree and use bootstrapping?
Quotation form manual of Mauve:
So no, it is not reliable tree and it is not using any bootstraping method...