I have two lists of human genes.
I used FatiGO for enrichment analysis
FatiGO takes two lists of genes and convert them into two lists of GO terms using the corresponding gene-GO association table.
My gene identifier is a Ensembl Gene identifier (ENSG...). I obtain some results but I don't understand how does it occurs. Indeed, my Ensembl Gene identifier are not present in the http://geneontology.org/gene-associations/gene_association.goa_human.gz table (only Ensembl:ENSMUSP and Ensembl:ENSRNOP are present), so how FatiGO make the conversion?
- A gene can be associated to multiple GO Terms. We don't obtain the information concerning all the GO terms associated to each of the gene and how these GO terms are distributed among the three ontologies.
Is it possible to obtain this information?
Is it possible to obtain the file corresponding to the GOSlim GOA human database?
Thanks in advance
I thought the "gene"-ontology associates genes (not proteins) with terms...
Thanks for your response Emily_Ensembl.
Yes, GO terms are associated with proteins. So now, I give Ensembl Protein identifiers (ENSP...) to FatiGO.
Here is the differents gene-GO association tables (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/GO/goa/HUMAN/) provided by the consortium (Uniprot-GOA project). None of these tables contains Ensembl Protein identifiers corresponding to human (i.e ENSP), only Ensembl Protein identifier corresponding to mouse (ENSMUSP) and ratus (ENSRNOP) are present. So how FatiGO makes the conversion? In other words, which gene-GO association table is used?
I just find this file ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/idmapping/by_organism/HUMAN_9606_idmapping_selected.tab.gz, is it the file used?