I have question regarding ROI (region of interest file) for MuSic. When I compare ROI file provided by MuSic developers (Washington University). I found always starting point in MuSic ROI is 1 base before Ensemble GFF starting while end position 2 base after Enseble GFF end point.
Why there is difference in start and end position in MuSic ROI and Ensemble GFF. Is it necessary,I have to change starting and and position in my Enseble based ROI file (subtract 1 at starting and add 2 at end point position).
MuSic (Washington University) ROI file
1 11867 12229 DDX11L1
1 12611 12723 DDX11L1
1 13219 14411 DDX11L1
1 29552 30041 MIR1302-11
1 30265 30669 MIR1302-11
1 30364 30505 MIR1302-11
Ensemble GFF based ROI file
1 11868 12227 DDX11L1
1 12612 12721 DDX11L1
1 13220 14409 DDX11L1
1 12009 12057 DDX11L1
1 12178 12227 DDX11L1
1 12612 12697 DDX11L1