I am practicing DESeq2 manual. Under section 2.2.1 it plots some heatmaps which the purpose of doing it is some quality assessment according to the paragraph before. However it doesn't provide any conclusion for it. Whether the samples are good to do further analysis on or not. Or how to interpret the heatmaps. Since the three replicates of same condition are not showing similar patterns of expression and it is the same when I test it on my own data, I concluded that it doesn't have to show a similar pattern between replicates, but then I am wondering what is the aim of plotting such a heatmap? Any explanation on this is very appreciated.
It's somehow confusing to me the way to deal with it. Since in my final analysis (enriched GO terms) I see terms that makes sense to my experiment but the heatmaps are not clustering same conditions together, at least one replicate of each. It would be very helpful if the manual would discuss it more or refer to some article that could help. Thanks for your answer Devon.