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13.5 years ago
How can I make a BED file? I have an Excel file with chromosmoe number strat and stop positions and want to make a BED file
How can I make a BED file? I have an Excel file with chromosmoe number strat and stop positions and want to make a BED file
If you have it in the correct format (chr, start, stop) in the Excel file (.xls or .xlsx), you can save it as a tab-delimited text file and just rename it to ".bed".
Hi, you can make a bed file by having the columns in the format
chromsome start stop name
where the columns are tab separated and if you name then you can put that too.
you can find more information on:
Example of bed file:
chr7 117067403 117067666
chr6 117512942 117513865
chr2 131280907 131281440
chr5 131346892 131347779
hope this helps.
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