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10.3 years ago
Hi all
I'm trying to do my own survival analysis with TCGA clinical data for PRAD in the following way:
- downloaded latest RNASeq V2 RSEM normalized for all samples
- calculated z-scores as z = (expression in tumor sample) - (mean expression in diploid samples) / (standard deviation of expression in diploid samples)
- downloaded latest clinical data
- followed "tutorial" here
...however, using a threshold of +/- 1.96 for zscores, which should correspond to a p = 0.05, I have all the tumor samples that present at least one alteration in my gene signature...this means that I cannot really build a kaplain meier plot of altered vs non-altered samples...
How would you handle this situation?!
follow this link
Survival analysis of TCGA patients integrating gene expression (RNASeq) data
Thank you.
This link seems that z score was calculated between tumor and normal samples.
When I have just tumor samples, how can I do?
you can do the following: