Hi all,
for each point (control and treatment), I have two more biological replicates, like ,control: A0,A3,A6, treatment:A1,A4,A7. After normalized with RPKM, I got a set of data with log2(A10/A0), P-value, FDR; log2(A4/A3), P-value, FDR; and log2(A7/A6), P-value, FDR. After that, I found common genes which consistently expressed in three replicates. That is main aim I want to extract. OK, the problem is for these common gene, they have three set of data, how can I assemble to one set?
Thanks a million.
Which method/tool did you use to get the P-value or FC? I think you have treated them as individual samples rather than replicates.
Yes, I got these data from company, I think they treated them as individual samples.
For Quantification of gene expression, use RPKM algorithm; for Screening of differentially expressed genes, use Poisson distribution model; for Screening of group differentially expressed genes, use NOIseq method
Just try it urself with DESeq/edgeR. They are well documented.
@mengmpp did you find a solution for this ? I am facing the same problem