I have hg38 coordinates at hand and I want to convert them to hg19 coordinates using ncbi remap_api.pl
in java.
Here is my perl remap arguments in a string array.
[perl , C:\\Users\\Burçak\\Google Drive\\Data\REMAP\remap_api.pl, --mode asm-asm , --from , GRCh38, --dest , GRCh37.p13, --annotation , chrName_0Based_StartInclusive_EndExclusive_hg38_coordinates.bed, --annot_out , chrName_0Based_StartInclusive_EndExclusive_hg19_coordinates.bed]
I'm executing these parameters in runtime and there is no output.
I just get the the following usage information. Any idea?
Usage: perl remap_api.pl
Please limit your submissions to files of approximatly 250,000 rows,
and at most 4 simultaneous submissions.
--mode <mode>
batches, asm-asm, asm-rsg, rsg-asm, alt-loci.
batches will print a list of all assembly-assembly pairs that alignments
exist for.
batches use no other argumentes,
other modes:
asm-asm is for mapping between two assemblies
asm-rsg is for mapping from an assembly to a gene data set (RefSeq or LRG)
rsg-asm is for mapping from a gene data set to an assembly
alt-loci is for mapping between a primary assembly and its related alt-loci
--annotation <filename>
The file containing your existing annotation (GFF3, GVF, BED, etc)
--from <gencoll accession>
--dest <gencoll accession>
The gencoll accessions for the assemblies being mapped to and from
Use 'RefSeqGene' when mapping to or from RefSeqGene
Use 'LRG' when mapping to or from LRG
Leave out --dest when use 'alt-loci' mode
--allowdupes <'on' or 'off'>
on (default) does all possible mappings,
off excludes second pass mappings
--merge <'on' or 'off'>
on (default) will merge fragmented mappings back together
off will leave fragmented results untouched
--mincov <fraction 0.01 to 10.0, default 0.5 >
--maxexp <fraction 0.01 to 10.0, default 2.0 >
(r_cov = mapped_feature_length / original_feature_length
if r_cov < min_cov then throw out feature
if r_cov > max_exp then throw out feature )
mapped_feature_length might not be identical to original_feature_length
because the mapping alignments are not always identical. Large gaps
might be inserted into features, causing the total feature length to grow.
Or regions covered by a feature might not be covered by alignments at all,
so the mapped feature is smaller than the original
--in_format <guess (default), hgvs, bed, gvf, gff, gtf, gff3, asnt, asnb, region>
The input format of your annotation file, and the desired output format
Conversions to different formats might not preserve meta-data exactly.
Leave --out_format alone to get out the same format as in.
Guess leaves the decision to our service.
Exit status = 0
What's up with the commas?
Surely that can't work..
Parameters are inside a string array (argsForNCBIRemapPerlProgram)
And it was the content of that string array.
Later on, I pass this string array in the statement below:
Does it work when you just call the program? Not from your java thingy but from the cmd. Also, some special characters like
can cause problems, but in this case it just looks to me like you're not passing all the required arguments to the program. I don't know anything about java though so..