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10.2 years ago
Please someone tell me the detail of installing bowtie2-2.2.4-mingw-win64.zip
Please someone tell me the detail of installing bowtie2-2.2.4-mingw-win64.zip
If you downloaded the source code then you need to compile it before the program will exist. I imagine it'd be easier to just download bowtie2-2.2.4-mingw-win64.zip, which has the binaries.
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what have you tried ?
how about your previous question ? how i can install bowtie?
I'm trying to install bowtie2-2.2.4 but says no path
Tired of trying but no result
We don't read minds or magically know exactly what's going on on your computer. Exactly what did you do that you ran into the error and what was the exact error message?
I suspect that you could solve this with a quick google search.
Yes you are right I'm more stupid than being able to solve it but my supervisor asked me
I downloaded bowtie2-2.2.4, extracted it in a disk and edit makefile by notepad++ then I tried to install bowtie2-2.2.4-mingw-win64.zip
But I got error
Anyway thank you for your comment
Define "install", it can mean many things. What was the EXACT error?
I downloaded mingw, clock on installer and I had its shortcut in start menu, whenever I'm clicking on it, in a black environment I have >D:/mingw and I should define st but when I'm writhing C:/bowtie2-2.2.4 (where I extract the bowtie2 source zip), it says cant find it.
I download bowtie2, and extract it in C drive itself and edit makefile by notepad++ and whenever I'm going to run mingw it says cant find bowtie2
You have to share the error you got.
Go through the install or read me file.