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10.0 years ago
For paired-end reads, after aligned to reference. I can know whether a read is fully mapped or not by checking the "CIGAR" option. Is there any way to directly check whether the mate read is fully mapped or not?
In sam/bam specification, there is a option "MC Z CIGAR string for mate/next segment". Doesn't any alignment tool can report this "MC" field? It seems BWA doesn't report this field.
Thank you
Hi JC,
Thank you for your reply. From the bit-flag value, we can only know whether the mate read is mapped or not, but we don't know whether is fully mapped or not. If a read is soft-clipped, it is also reported as mapped, right? I want to check whether the mate read is fully mapped or not.
I see, then there are not other way to check it except in the CIGAR. You can sort your BAM file by read_id with `samtools -n` and check the pairs.