Hello everyone, I am a final year student of Bachelor of Pharmacy in India. I have several doubts regarding masters after my graduation & narrowed down my interests into to areas i.e., bioinformatics or biostatistics. I heard many people saying that masters in bioinformatics or biostatistics is good for either computer science, programmers, mathematics graduates. I have no prior work experience or programming skills or know any programming languages as such, but I am good at mathematics & have a good academics with 80+% from school to graduation. Will a career in bioinformatics be beneficial or a loss for a pharmacy graduate without work experience or programming skills? How are job prospects in US after completing a masters? I am more into the return of investments as funding for the masters means taking up loans. Please guide me. Thank you. :)
"I am more into the return of investments as funding for the masters means taking up loans."
This is quite a strange motivation for pursuing the field of bioinformatics :)