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10.1 years ago
When I do the imputation using mimimac2, the results showed like below:
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT 1_201312170-01 2_201312504-01 6_201313899-01
1 882803 1:882803 A G . PASS MAF=0.07281;R2=0.80674 GT:DS 1|1:1.990 1|1:1.970 1|0:1.043
I tried to convert into plink (ped, map) file using the plink1.9
plink1.9 --vcf file --recode --out data
It did work, but I am not sure whether it is correct or not? As I am not quite sure what does the probability format: 1|1:1.990
means? Could anyone explain to me?