Hi, I am new at using EMBL and I need to find orthologues between the genes of chromosome 7 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and humans. I have a feeling it can be done with Ensembl, but I am not quite sure how to go about doing it. Any tips?
Hi, I am new at using EMBL and I need to find orthologues between the genes of chromosome 7 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and humans. I have a feeling it can be done with Ensembl, but I am not quite sure how to go about doing it. Any tips?
Try doing this using BioMart by adapting the following protocol: http://www.ensembl.info/blog/2009/01/21/how-to-get-all-the-orthologous-genes-between-two-species/
You may also check: Ensembl Compara for finding human-yeast orthologs.
You can use YeatMine at Saccharomyces Genome Database to find homologs.You have to build a query to find the homologs. Send an email to sgd-helpdesk@lists.stanford.edu if you encounter problems. http://yeastmine.yeastgenome.org/yeastmine/begin.do
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