Hi all,
I am working with haploview to view my data and get an idea on how much LD there is across my gene.
Haploview gives three options for defining blocks of LD 1) confidence intervals -95% confidence bounds on D prime are generated and each comparison is called "strong LD", "inconclusive" or "strong recombination". 2) The Four Gamete Rule which detects where 4 haplotypes are observed and thus recombination. 3)Solid Spine of LD - a "spine" of strong LD running from one marker to another along the legs of the triangle in the LD chart (this would mean that the first and last markers in a block are in strong LD with all intermediate markers but that the intermediate markers are not necessarily in LD with each other).
I am putting this data in my thesis and was wondering if anyone knows what is the best method for defining the blocks? Each of these three options can be twiddled so that the settings are more of less stringent...but I am not sure which one is most informative, or most respected.
Can anyone with experience help or point me in the direction of the best method? Also I have looked through the manual..there isn't any way to show all pairwise values in the LD plot...not sure if anyone knows if you can extract this?
Thank you!!!
Larry, please add link to the papers you discussed. Thanks !
Done! Some are to papers, others to data.
Thanks Larry, appreciate that.