Blast a gene against one genome
I want to run a blast of one gene against one genome. I have a fasta file of them both. Is there any way to run it other than converting the genome to a DB file?
Thank you in advance
makeblastdb takes a few seconds for a medium size genome. However, see the -subject
parameter of blast+ binaries to accomplish this without a db.
It is advisable to create a blast database, because of
low-complexity filtering and masking (recommended for whole genomes with repeats)
being able to parse sequence ids (recommended when exported from genbank)
easy retrieval of sequences by blastdbcmd
entries can have additional annotation, e.g. individual taxon id (metagenomics)
you'll always run blast twice
*** BLAST-2-Sequences options
-subject <File_In>
Subject sequence(s) to search
* Incompatible with: db, gilist, seqidlist, negative_gilist,
db_soft_mask, db_hard_mask
updated 2.6 years ago by
written 9.9 years ago by
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I don't think so. If you genome sequence is in NCBI's database you can blast a sequence against it.. unless a quick makeblastdb should make it.
edit Michael precises that
parameter should work in you case