I have a vcf file (sample1.vcf)< and I will like to remove a large list of sites contained in a bedfile
chr22 37536301 37536301
chr22 82722119 82722273
chr18 218879484 218879484
chr18 60949121 60949149
chr13 230905465 230905465
The command I run:
intersectBed -a sample1.vcf -b hg19.sorted.bed -v
results in
intersectBed: line 2: 21108 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ${0%/*}/bedtools intersect "$@"
How can I fix this?
I hope you read through the rest of the segmentation fault posts on the site. There are issues with unsorted and unindexed files that are explained in many different posts.
yes I have, non of the suggested solutions work
In the meantime, try
vcftools --exclude-positions <bedfile>
from here: http://vcftools.sourceforge.net/man_latest.htmlthanks, working solution