among RefSeq annotations (hg19, from UCSC), one can find genes with several transcripts on different strands. One also finds genes with the same identifier but on different chromosomes. Here is an example combining the two (gene "OR4F29"):
wget --timestamping ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/refGene.txt.gz
zcat refGene.txt.gz | grep "OR4F29"
587 NM_001005221 chr1 + 367658 368597 367658 368597 1 367658, 368597, 0 OR4F29 cmpl cmpl 0,
589 NM_001005221 chr1 - 621095 622034 621095 622034 1 621095, 622034, 0 OR4F29 cmpl cmpl 0,
1964 NM_001005221 chr5 + 180794287 180795226 180794287 180795226 1 180794287, 180795226, 0 OR4F29 cmpl cmpl 0,
Are these errors, knowing that Ensembl has only one transcript for this gene?
What do you do in such a case? Discard the genes? Use Ensembl instead?
Ensembl has listed those three positions as separate genes - http://asia.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Search/Details?species=Homo_sapiens;idx=Gene;end=3;q=OR4F29 - each with a single transcript of the exact same sequence. Personally I find RefSeq more... useful in this case