Hi everybody,
for variant calling, i am using samtools mpileup.
as far as i know, mpileup is by default ignoring certain reads (duplicate, failed QC, non-primary, unmapped).
my question, how is its default handling of single-end and paired-end data?
for paired-end data, i have the impression, it only accepts properly paired reads and ignores for instance singletons.
what about single-end data?
is it:
1. if it's paired-end data, pileup only properly paired + user defined (-q -Q) + no QC, no duplicates (default)...
2. if it's single-end, pileup only user defined (-q -Q) + no QC, no duplicates (default) ????
thanks, chris
The use of duplicates depends on marking the duplicates. So it depends on how you mark the duplicates before running mpileup. As far as I know, it should not ignore singleton reads.