I have a tricky problem to solve. I have multiple sample, each sample harbor a specific mutation in a gene. And each sample possesses a different mutated gene. The mutation is induced by the same factor in each sample. Thus how can I assess statistically that the genes that are affected by the mutations are differentially expressed. The big issue is that each sample harbor a different mutation, thus might affect a different gene. So I don't have any biological replicate for the same mutated gene. As:
Sample gene with mutation
SampleA geneA
SampleB geneB
SampleC geneC
SampleD geneD
SampleE geneE
I aligned the read using STAR, and count the number of read per gene with htseq-count. I normalized the read count with DESEq. Any advice to test wheter geneA,B,C,D and E are disturbed due to the mutation?
So, is there no control sample - a sample with just the wild type genes?
In fact each samples are tumors (same cell type, different individuals). I have also control samples (healthy sample from the same cell type).
Wouldn't it be possible then to compare to control expression levels? I'm sorry, I am not familiar with tumor gene models.