Hi All,
I've tried a few different search engines but I thought I'd put this question out there so there can be an active discussion. Any opinions?
Hi All,
I've tried a few different search engines but I thought I'd put this question out there so there can be an active discussion. Any opinions?
Indeed, the actual paper MSGF+ paper is not published yet (MS-GF+: Universal Database Search Tool for Mass Spectrometry, Sangtae Kim, Pavel A. Pevzner, submitted), but you can have a look at Spectral Probabilities and Generating Functions of Tandem Mass Spectra: A Strike against Decoy Databases, Sangtae Kim, Nitin Gupta and Pavel Pevzner, J. Proteome Res., 7 (8), 3354-3363, 2008. The actual software paper is not published yet, but the software has been around for quite a long time and has been widerly used.
Edit: By the way, both refs come from MSGF+'s README.txt file
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For those wondering (because they don't work on proteomics) what HCD is, see here for a start.