For my internship, I need to convert KEGG identifiers to BioCyc identifiers. These KEGG identifiers I have ar identifiers or metabolites and reactions.
Is there exists any functional tool to do this conversion?
I try CTS (http://cts.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/), but it seems to encounter some bugs as I wan't download the Excel file (the chargement of the file fails.
So I search another tool to do that. Have you some suggestions?
Thank you in advance for your help,
That is a trivial problem with the standard BioCyc Web services (http://biocyc.org/web-services.shtml). Generally, it is highly recommended that you look into the BioCyc (or other project database) WebPages before asking for help with your homework. They even have am explicit KEGG to BioCyc ID converter example on that page....