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10.1 years ago
I have this 2 lists, and I wanna fusionate the 2 table based in the Gene ID's. Then I can count how many ups and Downs per chromossome and band. SOme R expert can help me?
Group1 Band Chromosome Name Group2 Band Chromosome Name Group3 Band Chromosome Name
ENSMUSG00000004707 H3 1 ENSMUSG00000005763 H2.3 1 ENSMUSG00000098895 H2.1 1
ENSMUSG00000006403 H3 2 ENSMUSG00000008136 B 2 ENSMUSG00000046814 E4 2
ENSMUSG00000008475 G3 3 ENSMUSG00000025917 A2 3 ENSMUSG00000004707 H3 3
ENSMUSG00000009772 E4 4 ENSMUSG00000025938 A3 4 ENSMUSG00000004552 H3 4
Group1 Expression Group2 Expression Group3 Expression
ENSMUSG00000004707 Up ENSMUSG00000025938 Up ENSMUSG00000004552 Up
ENSMUSG00000006403 Up ENSMUSG00000025917 Up ENSMUSG00000004707 Up
ENSMUSG00000008475 Down ENSMUSG00000005763 Down ENSMUSG00000046814 Down
ENSMUSG00000009772 Down ENSMUSG00000008136 Down ENSMUSG00000098895 Down
in R.