Does anyone know, where I can find information on the base pair range for the Mitocondrial D loop region? Thanks.
Does anyone know, where I can find information on the base pair range for the Mitocondrial D loop region? Thanks.
There would be difference in the various builds out there, this link puts some light on that.
If you're using rCRS MITO MAP offers the fasta file and coordinate info, similarly NCBI should have others too.
D-loop complement(join(16024..16569,1..576))
gene 577..647
For many organisms, the mitochondrial genome has been annotated and uploaded to Genbank. It is possible to get information on your taxa of interest there. It is available by looking at the annotation list or through the interactive browser. Be aware that for whole-genome data the mitochondrial genome is often referred to as 'chrM' or some variant thereof, not necessarily 'mitochondrial' or 'mitochondrion.'
FYI: the length of the mitochondrial genome is notoriously variable across taxonomic groups. Furthermore, as putatively neutral, there is length polymorphism within the control region even among closely-related species.
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