I'm prepping some NGS Illumina data for downstream analysis. To begin, I want to remove any sequencing/ligating adapters and multiplexing (barcoding) tags. To do this, I am using fastx_clipper, which is part of the FASTX-Toolkit. I've also using Trimmomatic for this in the past.
Example command usage: fastx_clipper -Q33 -a TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGGAACTCCA-mid_tag_insert-AATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTG -l 14 -M 7 -i Input.fastq -o Output.fastq -v -c
Here is my question... Both of these software packages only scan for a single orientation of the adapter you provide within the Illumina reads. However, I find many sequences in all orientations of the adapter, namely: forward, reverse, forward complement, reverse complement. In the forward orientation, the software detects and trims the adapter in >90% of the reads, but in the other 3 orientations the software only detects are trims adapters in ~5% of the reads.
So, is it possible for the adapters to be found in different orientations than the forward sense, or am I seeing artifacts of non-strict adapter matching? Do people usually trim adapters in every possible orientation? Any other suggestions for successfully handling adapters?
@Istvan Thanks for the answer. This is what I expected, which makes me unsure of the FASTX results. Perhaps my stringency is simply too loose, only requiring 7 sequential adapter bases to be matched. I'll try a few variations and report back later.
also to correct myself some (not all) Illumina adapters are designed to produce the same sequence on both strands
Can you please specify which ones do and which ones don't? Thanks!