I've been considering writing an application note for the pyfaidx module (for reading/writing indexed FASTA files), but I'm not sure if the effort involved in authoring and publishing an application note is worth it. Several projects have published their work as application notes, but I'm not sure that a "me too" attitude helps here.
Reasons I can think of for publishing a tool:
- Citations. Obviously it's easier for people to reference your work.
- Content discovery. Not everyone knows what they're searching for, and while GitHub and Google do help here, not everyone is an SEO genius.
- Context for usage. Several application notes I've seen provide use cases or examples where the tool may provide an advantage.
- Time
- Publication fees
- Danger of producing a stale description of your software. Software development should be motivated by use cases, bugs, and user feedback. All can really change the functionality and interface of software.
Any thoughts about pros/cons of tool publications would help.
in academia, publications are currency. Until granting agencies and hiring/promotion committees become more accepting of alternative metrics, you will be at a disadvantage if you don't publish. Even if you toss off a quick one-page paper to bioarxiv or PLoS One, it's worth your time.
In favor of publishing tool papers? Leave a comment (please don't vote) here and tell me to do it!
I have tried to track software, sometimes very unsuccessfully, and I find it irritating to not have a point of reference. When personal web sites disappear, and university site redesigns screw up all the links, it's really frustrating to trace the details. Could you at least consider something like FigShare? It could be fine as an informal note, with a bit more explanation than just documented code. But that would not be daunting or costly. Edit to note: you can also update FigShare if there are subsequent changes or issues.
Hate tool papers? Leave a comment (please don't vote) here and let me know why.
Honestly, it depends on your job context. If publications can benefit you, then publish. Otherwise, put something up on bioarxiv (or at least make good documentation) and call it done.
I like the idea of providing good documentation, and I think you've correctly identified that I'm worried about job context. However, I'm not sure that it's always a good idea to publish, which is the point of my OP. I appreciate your feedback.
I think the time and cost are pretty valid arguments against publishing if you don't actually need publications. However the static nature of a publication is a pretty minor criticism, in my mind at least. I think that most people are pretty understanding in that regard (and if not, they know so little that who cares about their opinion).
As others have said, I too can see only one reason to publish a paper: to add a line to your CV. However, as you point out, a paper can help advertize your work but for this you don't need peer-review. For the same money, just buy ad space in a journal widely read by your target audience.
From the consumer standpoint, I see bioinformatics journals as sort of a universal venue for describing software that spans many cliques (programming language cliques; github users vs non-github users, etc). I also see publications as a coarse quality filter for code that the authors/reviewers feel is ready for general use, and therefore worth my time to check out.
From the producer standpoint, I agree with your pros. For the cons, time spent writing up an application note make you think about the big picture, puts your code in perspective, and can help strengthen your docs. And as long as you provide a link to the github repo of your code, stagnation isn't so much of an issue as long as the app note is a relatively high-level intro and description.
If only reviewers did a better job at actually reviewing the software being described. the quality of this seems to be really hit or miss (granted, this is true of peer-review in general). I recently tried to use a tool published 2 months ago where the tool can't perform some of the analyses in the paper that describes it and that said paper explicitly says should be possible.
If you are worried about publication fees, Application Notes in bioinformatics are not expensive. If you choose not to use the Oxford Open option, and do not print any color figure, I am not sure you have to pay anything at all.
A pub is a pub, go for it!