Hey there
I'm trying to make a DE analysis of a few RNA-seq samples. I used the "Rsubread" package to get the featureCounts from my bam* files and later retrieved the DGElist
I want to use the DGElist for differential expression by either using edgeR or limma but I'm having problems creating a design matrix. Here's my DGElist data:
An object of class "DGEList"
control1.sorted.bam control2.sorted.bam sample1.sorted.bam
497097 1 3 5
100503874 3 5 2
100038431 0 0 0
19888 0 0 0
20671 4 2 3
27395 4534 4622 5092
497097 3
100503874 5
100038431 0
19888 0
20671 2
27395 4622
group lib.size norm.factors
control1.sorted.bam 1 26756231 1
control2.sorted.bam 1 13181727 1
sample1.sorted.bam 2 28977272 1
sample2.sorted.bam 2 29549367 1
GeneID Length
1 497097 3634
2 100503874 3259
3 100038431 1634
4 19888 9747
5 20671 3130
6 27395 4203
Control1/2 as well as Sample1/2 are biological replicates. Any advice on how to create a design matrix would be much appreciated
Exactly. Sorry for not making it clear