I have approx. 250,000,000 Illumina paired-end reads of 100bp length from one organism. I have a gene of 5000bp length from another organism. I wanted to map reads to my sequence and create a consensus sequence. My question is: Is it OK mapping illumina DNA-seq or RNA-seq reads against one single gene? Cause in literature everything is mapped against the whole genome, which in my case is limited due to computer space. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Just a thought: Presumably you don't really need to align *all* the 250M reads, unless you need a coverage of millions x (!!). So maybe better to get a sample of few hundred thousand, good quality reads and align them with a sensitive aligner like blast. I mean, NGS aligners are usually a trade off between speed, efficiency and sensitivity/specificity. In your case efficiency is not an issue as the reference is small and you might get away with few reads.
But that only works, if the complete genome is small. A few 100k of 250M is not enough, if we are talking about a big genome.
Ahhh... Sure I misunderstood the question, I thought the 250M reads came from that gene alone as if they sequenced just that amplicon... Apologies about the confusion.