When using fastqc to assess the quality of small RNA-seq data, what is a good results? (It's seems that the quality is not good for all the data)
How to deal with biological repeats (e.g. 3 fastq files)?
Is it ok to merge them first? If so, how to merge them, any tools? Can I just use
cat A_1_R1.fastq A_2_R1.fastq A_1_3_R1.fastq > A_merge.fastq?
What is the difference between sRNA-seq and RNA-seq when filtering?
For now I just try to trim the adapter and remove reads form repeat region of genome.
I think really need some tutorial for sRNA-seq anaylsis....
Do any biostarers have some tools or pipelines to share for sRNA-seq analysis?
Thank you~
Thank you. But how to integrate biological replicates? Average after counting or ...?
I am now trying miRdeep2.:)
You would use them in the downstream statistics, which would rely on replicates due to using a negative-binomial model.
Is there any way to view samples together on the same chart/graph in FastQC, or any other fastq QC analysis package?