Actually , with class codes "x" (cis antisense), "i" (intronic), "u" (intergenic) and "j" (alternatively spliced), given by cuffcompare are those transcripts which are non annotated in gtf files which you are providing during RABT assembly.
You can fetch these transcripts by their class codes e.g. for alternatively spliced
awk '$22 ~ /j/ { print }' cuffcompare_combined.gtf > Alternatively_spliced.gtf
Now you need to do some filtering e.g. length of transcripts more than 200
awk '{ if ($5-$4>200) print $0 }' Alternatively_spliced.gtf > Alternatively_spliced_200.gtf
You also get separate file as cuffcompare.tracking containing FPKM values for each detected loci
You can then make threshold of FPKM and filter out those which are less abundant
Convert the resultant file in bed format and fetch the sequences from bedtools
bedtools getfasta [OPTIONS] -fi <fasta> -bed <bed/gff/vcf> -fo <fasta> -s
would provide you the sequences of coordinates you provide in -bed option from refseq you provide in -fi
option, -s
is for strandness