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10.1 years ago
I am started learning Hadoop Bam. But couldn't figure out the steps how to to split the bam file.
For example,
I have a file called Example.bam
. I loaded the file into hdfs:
hadoop fs -put Example.bam ./
When I tried:
hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop-bam/hadoop-bam-7.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
I got:
Command: cat concatenation of partial SAM and BAM files
fixmate BAM and SAM mate information fixing
index BAM indexing
sort BAM and SAM sorting and merging
summarize summarize SAM or BAM for zooming
summarysort sort summary file for zooming
vcf-sort VCF and BCF sorting
view SAM and BAM viewing
But I couldn't figure out how exactly I need to give index / view to split the .bam file chromosome wise.
It would be really helpful someone provides me with any useful reference.