Hello all,
I'm attempting to compile a list of all immunology related diseases - defined as a disease caused by or related to the immune system (auto immunity, or immunodeficiency).
I'm using OMIM currently and trying to filter down their genemap dump of all pathologies, The list however, is way too long to go through manually and I cant figure out a good way to filter just based on reg/ex out what I need.
Does anyone know how to filter OMIM down by sub categories under the diseases , or by what cells they effect, or anything like this.
I'm wiling to try other databases too if they seem like a better idea. Any help would be awesome!
Thanks so much for responding
Ok so I noticed this key... where is the list of phenotype keys and values? I have genemap2 downloaded ... it has disorder and comments... but not any kind of classification system or enough detail that I need. I feel like I'm missing a "phenotype file"