My wiggle/bedgraph records the DNA methylation level of CpGs (from 0-100). While I do average profiling around TSS with CEAS, the curve is all the way close to the x-axis. I bet CEAS is taking every unmapped base with a "0" value, bringing down the whole curve to 0. Is there any other way to do this job?
Hi Alex, I read the document you provided and found that
bedmap --mean
actually calculates the average signal along each interval in the reference file. What I'm going to do is to calculate the average signal across the same bin from multiple intervals specified in the reference file (eg., TSS+-3kb), to get an average profile of the signal along multiple TSS. Any further suggestion?If you first need to generate expanded intervals before taking the mean, you can use
bedops --everything --range N
to generate a set of symmetrically-padded reference intervals. Then you couldbedmap --mean
and aggregate results in R.