I have 3 samples RNA-seq and I want to do Differential expression for each sample. These are the following step that my supervisor want me to do.
- Merge assembly using all RNA-seq data - blast the merged assembly for annotation, first using uniprot, then nr database
- Perform read counting of individual RNA-seq data against the merge assembly
- Perform correlation analysis between your biological replicates (sample 1, 2 & 3)
You have to keep the result tables from each step of your analysis. I suggest you use the Trinity pipeline for merge assembly and annotation.""
I did merging using cat
and assembly by Trinity.pl
command line and also blast (blastp). but I don know how to do step 2 and 3.
Hope anyone can help me to proceed with this step.
English is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.
Thanks in forward