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9.9 years ago
I need some clarifications on the concept of "orientation" in case of chromosomal rearrangements. Given a DELETION event on a chromosome for example, is the resulting DNA at the breakpoint always in TH (Tail to Head) orientation? Do all the DUPLICATIONS lead to HT orientation? And in case of TRANSLOCATIONS, INVERSIONS etc..?
Can someone give a clear definition of "orientation", and make some examples?
You can probably figure this out yourself with a basic understanding of genomics and some pieces of paper with 5' and 3' on either end like:
Since you can't have 3' next to 3' or 5' next to 5', you'll quickly find the possibilities highly limited.
Well, I was interested in having some example related to mate-pair sequencing results and how best interpret that. For example which kind of alignment raise a TRANSLOCATION HH or TT to HT call?
Head of what and tail of what? I can only guess that you mean the alignments, but perhaps you mean the affected regions. Normally we talk about alignment orientation in terms of "point toward each other" or "point away from each other". So mate pairs will point away from each other (e.g., the more upstream alignment will map as the reverse complement while the more downstream read will map as originally sequenced). Given that, I'll term a standard mate-pair orientation as TT. So that will be the case for deletions. Invertions will be HT or TH. Duplications could have any orientation. Translocations could have any orientation, particularly since that has no meaning when looking across chromosomes.
But of course, that's all assuming what you mean by tail and head, which has no standard meaning in this context.
There are two different issues here, one is the genomic rearrangement the other is the orientation of the fragments of the sequencing technology.
The two together can be quite confusing. Typically you need to establish what the expected orientation of the fragment is supposed to be, then arrangement may change that in various ways. The challenge is to note that you are matching reality against the "wrong" genome that we happen to call "reference".
Ok.. we are getting closer to my point! So, my confusion is exactly on the point Head and Tail of what? Of a gene (promoter->terminator) or simply of the DNA strain (5'-3')? If you can suggest some links where I can read more about I would really appreciate.
I am guessing what you mean by HH and HT read orientation is the following: A pair
-----------> <----------
would be Tail to Tail (paired end sequencing) A pair<---------- ----------->
would be Head to Head (mate pair sequencing)Still in for both cases insertions, deletions and duplications would not change the read pair orientation. An inversion however would.
Funnily, I would term the first one head to head and the second tail to tail, since the tail of an arrow is opposite to where the point is...yet again demonstrating that we should just never use this terminology :)
I would agree, but my life scientist colleagues call it the other way - thus I adopted that world view.
Head refers to the property/start of the underlying feature.
You see that it confusing!
We don't normally use the terms "head" and "tail" in this context for exactly this reason :)
The only time I normally see head and tail used are when talking about tandem duplications. In that case, people will say "gene foo was generated by a head to tail tandem duplication of gene bar...". In those cases, the terms are separate from the technology used to discover the duplication.
Perhaps you could give an example of where you're running into this terminology.
This is an example of data I am working with..
or this one
what you need it to go to the software documentation is establish what does TH and HT mean from the software author's point of view. As we discussed above these terms are not standardized.
Ok. Thank you for all your comments guys, it helped me to understand better the situation.