I have some trouble to select an appropriate criterion to identify the presence of multiple domain in proteins.
I perform an hmmscan
search of a list of protein selecting the flag --tblout
The output reports several fields:
--- full sequence ---- --- best 1 domain ---- --- domain number estimation ----# ..E-value score bias E-value score bias exp reg clu ov env dom rep inc...
------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- --------- ------
Reading the manual I think that the first value to check if the E value of both full sequence and Best 1 domain. If the second is significant lower the the E value of the fill seq the results for this protein should be carefully considered.
I also understand that the resulting domains are in order of statistic significance. So the first one, is more likely there. Now, I have some problem to understand what parameter to consider for deciding if I am dealing with a multi-domain protein or not. Should I consider just the "exp" value?