variants that have multiple alleles
I need a couple of examples of variants that have multiple alleles. For example, a substitution at a genomic location where there are two possible base pair substitutions, such as T>G or T>C. Ideally I'd like to see this example in dbSNP, NHLBI ESP, and ExAC
$ curl -s "" |\
gunzip -c | awk -F '\t' '(index($5,",")!=0)' |head
1 10493 rs199606420 C A,G . . RS=199606420;RSPOS=10493;dbSNPBuildID=137;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000020005000002000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;R5;ASP
1 15274 rs62636497 A G,T . . RS=62636497;RSPOS=15274;dbSNPBuildID=129;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000080005140126000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;INT;ASP;VLD;GNO;KGPhase3
1 49156 rs372792512 C A,T . . RS=372792512;RSPOS=49156;dbSNPBuildID=138;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005000026000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;ASP;KGPhase3;CAF=0.9998,0.0001997,.;COMMON=0
1 49404 rs2531246 C A,T . . RS=2531246;RSPOS=49404;dbSNPBuildID=100;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005000002000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;ASP
1 67223 rs78676975 C A,T . . RS=78676975;RSPOS=67223;dbSNPBuildID=131;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000020005040126000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;R5;ASP;VLD;GNO;KGPhase3;CAF=0.9988,.,0.001198;COMMON=1
1 72297 rs369919718 G GTTA,GTAT . . RS=369919718;RSPOS=72298;dbSNPBuildID=138;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005000002000200;WGT=1;VC=DIV;ASP;CAF=0.9958,.,0.004193;COMMON=1
1 87027 rs375864588 A G,T . . RS=375864588;RSPOS=87027;dbSNPBuildID=138;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005000026000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;ASP;KGPhase3;CAF=0.9998,.,0.0001997;COMMON=0
1 99043 rs12184295 T A,G . . RS=12184295;RSPOS=99043;dbSNPBuildID=120;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005000026000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;ASP;KGPhase3;CAF=0.9998,.,0.0001997;COMMON=0
1 99665 rs368526587 C A,T . . RS=368526587;RSPOS=99665;dbSNPBuildID=138;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050000000005040026000100;WGT=1;VC=SNV;ASP;VLD;KGPhase3;CAF=0.999,0.0009984,.;COMMON=0
1 120994 rs71218814 AAT A,ATAT . . RS=71218814;RSPOS=120995;dbSNPBuildID=130;SSR=0;SAO=0;VP=0x050100080005000102000200;WGT=1;VC=DIV;SLO;INT;ASP;GNO
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I am new, and I do not understand this, will you please explain??
And these variants are from DbSNP, What about NHLBI ESP, and ExAC any one can help?
Don't post your comments as new answers.
And I am specifically looking for substitution, if you follow HGVS then a substitution at a genomic location where there are two possible base pair substitutions, such as T>G or T>C
All but two of the examples Pierre showed are single-base substitutions.