I am comparing the results of an hmmscan and a Pfamscan done agianst PfamA.
I understand that the Pfamscan used as default a bit more stringent values, and I think that this might explain the lower number of hits I get with it.
So in theory if I set the limit for bit score and E value in both scripts I should get the same results. Is there any other difference that I am missing?
The question is not "what is the difference between hmmscan and pfamscan" and I am sure you just copy pasted the line "PfamScan is used to search a FASTA sequence against a library of Pfam HMM." from this link http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/pfa/pfamscan/
If you are unsure about the question or if you have not really worked on the type of problem, put your thoughts in comments section.