I have a protein expression data set using a novel platform and would like to determine the differential expression of the proteins between two tissue types. There are 8 independent samples for each condition. I have 858 proteins and would like to narrow it down to a manageable and meaningful heatmap. I am not a biostatistician but I am learning R. It seems like the limma package in R can do what I want, but my data is not in the same format. I have already normalized my data. Does anyone have some advice for how to analyze my data to give a similar output?
fit <- eBayes(lmFit(eset,design))
> topTable(fit, coef=2)
ID M A t P.Value B
1016 1914_at -3.076231 4.611284 -27.49860 5.887581e-27 56.32653
7884 37809_at -3.971906 4.864721 -19.75478 1.304570e-20 44.23832
6939 36873_at -3.391662 4.284529 -19.61497 1.768670e-20 43.97298
10865 40763_at -3.086992 3.474092 -17.00739 7.188381e-18 38.64615
4250 34210_at 3.618194 8.438482 15.45655 3.545401e-16 35.10692
11556 41448_at -2.500488 3.733012 -14.83924 1.802456e-15 33.61391
3389 33358_at -2.269730 5.191015 -12.96398 3.329289e-13 28.76471
8054 37978_at -1.036051 6.937965 -10.48777 6.468996e-10 21.60216
10579 40480_s_at 1.844998 7.826900 10.38214 9.092033e-10 21.27732
330 1307_at 1.583904 4.638885 10.25731 1.361875e-09 20.89145
While I did not find the user guide entirely useful. This post was a good guide. Limma calls all genes as differentially expressed - what am I doing wrong?