Hey I have a dataframe (sample.annotations) that I get some paths for my datasets which are: peaks.data ( GRange object with peaks coordinations from Chip-seq experiments) and annotation.data (GRanges with gene annotations from ensembl). I can successful use the annotatePeakInBatch() function in R through 'ChIPpeakAnno' package.
As I have many datasets I want to run it iteratively (trying to do it with a for loop) and fill in an empty list with the RangedData objects that come out of the annotatePeakInBatch()
function.I cant do that in R as a relatively new programmer, but the code is correct because I get annotations if I run it for specific datasets. My problem is somewhere on the iteration path!
Anyone can pin point any mistake on the following code? I keep on getting the following mistake:
Error in peaks2genes[[i]] <- annotatePeakInBatch(peaksRD, AnnotationData = annoRD) :
invalid type/length (S4/0) in vector allocation
My code:
peaks2genes<- NULL
for(i in 1:nrow(samples.annotations)) {
peaks.data<- readRDS(samples.annotations$path[i])
chr<- peaks.data[,samples.annotations$peak.coord.chr.col[i]]
chr<- gsub("chr","",chr, perl=T,ignore.case=T)
end<- peaks.data[,samples.annotations$peak.coord.end.col[i]]
names <- paste("Site",1:nrow(peaks.data),sep="")
peaksRD <- RangedData(space = chr,ranges=IRanges(start = start, end = end,names= names))
annotation.data <- readRDS(samples.annotations$GeneAnnotationsPath[i])
annoRD <- RangedData(space = annotation.dataframe$seqnames,ranges = IRanges(start = annotation.dataframe$start, end = annotation.dataframe$end, names = annotation.dataframe$gene_id),strand = annotation.dataframe$strand)
peaks2genes[[i]] <- annotatePeakInBatch(peaksRD,AnnotationData = annoRD)
Thanks, that was it (I feel kind of dumb but thanks again)